What makes RAD unique?
Two recitals each year and multiple opportunities to perform!
Dance, Acrobatic Arts, Mommy & Me and Theater classes
Beginner classes for ages 2-18 and adults
Excellent, compassionate teachers
Three dance companies – Amelia Island RADettes, Wildlight RADettes and Fusion

Where should we start?
Browse RAD's classes by age
Check out our Schedule online
Unsure about which level to enroll your student in? Just email us!
Register and purchase uniforms on Dance Studio Pro
Email the Amelia Island Studio or Wildlight Studio with any questions!

How much are classes?
1 Class/Week: $85/Month
2 Classes/Week: $115/Month
3 Classes/Week: $140/Month
4 Classes/Week: $165/Month
5 Classes/Week: $175/Month
6 Classes/Week: $185/Month
7 Classes/Week: $195/Month
8 Classes/Week: $205/Month
9 Classes/Week: $215/Month

How do we sign up?
Create an Account on Dance Studio Pro
Click "Students" and add your children's information.
Click "Pay Online" and set up monthly auto payments.
Click "Waivers & Policies" and read & sign the waivers.
Click "Register for Classes" and choose the classes you'd like.
Click "Online Store" and order apparel & shoes.
*RAD requires everyone to have studio uniforms for both weekly classes and to be used in both yearly recitals.

Need to drop a class?
It's easy.
Email Amelia Island: radacademy.dance@gmail.com
Email Wildilght: radacademy.wildlight@gmail.com
1. Your child's name
2. Class you want to drop
3. Date you want to drop
Billing ends 30 days from the date of notice.
*If you notify us on the 15th of October, your last billing date is the 1st of November and your student is welcome to attend class until November 15th.
**Our Fall season ends each May. Auto-pay will stop, and there is no need to notify the studio.